
Microsoft Guidance on BizTalk Server Migration

During 2024 Microsoft shared and updated this article regarding BizTalk Server migration to Azure. The article’s title seems to infer a focus on just LogicApps but it is clear from reading it, and to any of us that have actually done these, that you will want to leverage the broader suite of Azure Integration Services to enable successful migrations.

Microsoft also commenced the article by asking “Why migrate from BizTalk Server?” in answer to which they posit a number of compelling feature reasons but fail to mention that product lifecycle support may also be a consideration. True their recent support extension greatly eases concern. BizTalk 2020 mainstream support is now slated to end in April 2028 (extended from January 2024). However while that may seem a lot of time, in relation to typical timelines for enterprise application integration projects it is a modest runway. Microsoft has not shared publicly if there will be future release and so clients should keep that in mind as they ponder the future of their own BizTalk implementations. Chance is that if you utilize this product it will be fairly critical to your own business operations.

Back in early 2023 DMS shared our own observations regarding migration of BizTalk Server implementations to Azure. You can read that paper here. In it we toured across the Azure Integration Services space and highlighted how these services can be invaluable to a PaaS based migration. One item we did not have included was a graphical mind-map correlating services between these two cousins. That could be helpful to those less familiar with this space and it was great to see Microsoft share something along these lines in their updated guidance. Note, you will have to read/scroll right to the end of the lengthy article to find it… hence we share a copy below.

As always, if you want to learn more about BizTalk to AIS migration and how DMS can help you… reach out. This knowledge space is core domain for us and we’d be happy to help your migration succeed.

Mapping BizTalk to Azure feature

Above: Feature mapping BizTalk Services to Azure Integration Services – credit Microsoft.

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